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2 posts tagged with "startup"

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Datalayer Joins NVIDIA Inception

· 2 min read
Eléonore Charles
Product Manager

Datalayer has joined NVIDIA Inception, a program designed to nurture startups that are revolutionizing industries with technological advancements.

At Datalayer, we are focused on providing seamless access to powerful Remote Kernels for data scientists, AI engineers, and machine learning practitioners. Our mission is to simplify workflows and boost productivity by allowing users to leverage GPUs and CPUs without altering their existing code or preffered tools.

Joining NVIDIA Inception will accelerate our development by providing access to industry-leading resources such as go-to-market support, technical assistance and training. This will help us enhance our solutions and collaborate with a network of AI-driven organizations and experts, driving growth during critical stages of product development and enabling us to better serve our users.

Before joining, we were already big fan and users of the NVIDIA GPU technology, with the GPU Kubernetes Operator as documented on the Datalayer Tech GPU CUDA page. We have been supporting Time Slicing and MIG to help optimize costs for our users. We are eager to collaborate with NVIDIA experts to further reduce expenses while enhancing security through sandboxed solutions such as KubeVirt and Kata Containers.

Stay tuned as we continue to develop innovative solutions, now with the support of the NVIDIA Inception Program. We are excited to share our progress with you in the coming months! In the meantime, you can already experiment with NVIDIA GPU on Datalayer.

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Our experience with the OVHcloud Startup Program

· 8 min read
Eric Charles
Datalayer Founder

OVHcloud Startup Program

As a startup, we have been using the OVHcloud services those last 10+ years for DNS domain name registration. After all, this is what OVH started with and become famous (BTW this blog is hosted under which we bought from OVH, as most of the other domain names we are using). During that time, we have seen more and more services being launched at OVHcloud (note the name change where cloud is added), starting with the dedicated bare metal offering.

Because we were looking more to the virtual machine and Kubernetes world, we have been naturally tempted to use the Azure, GCP or AWS offerings at their very early stage. All those leading cloud providers offer credits for startups combined with technical support and go-to-market offering.

At some point, Kubernetes at OVH has been around for some time (see this annoucement back in 2019) and we heard from other companies that those new services were very flexible and potentially cheaper than others. So it became clear to us that we wanted to try them and we naturally applied to their Startup program. Guess what, we received a positive response 2 days after 🎉 The journey was ready to start!

Datalayer: Accelerated and Trusted JupyterRegister and get free credits