Black Snake Release
We're excited to announce the release of Datalayer 1.2.0 — Black Snake
— a major release packed with new features and enhancements that significantly improve performance and user experience.
The Datalayer Black Snake release is named as a tribute to the Python opensource community as to the companies like Anaconda and Quansight for their support in driving innovation in the open.

New Features
Cell-Specific Kernels: Execute specific cells with different kernels, optimizing costs by leveraging local resources for data preparation and remote resources for intensive computations.
Cell Kernel execution

The remote GPU Kernel is utilized only for the duration of the cell computation, minimizing costs.
CLI Execution: Execute code remotely from your local terminal.
CLI Remote Execution

Sharing State between Notebook and CLI

When using the same Kernel, variables defined in a notebook can be used in the CLI and vice versa. This holds also true when using multiple notebooks connected to the same kernel, for example.
User storage: Users can now persist data across kernels sessions. Read more about it in this blog post.