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Datalayer Notebook for big data scientists on Azure

· 2 min read
Eric Charles
Datalayer Founder

Datalayer today announced the integration of the Datalayer WEB Notebook for big data scientists with Microsoft OneNote. We also announced that Datalayer WEB Notebook will be deployed on Microsoft Azure. This integration is available for Windows Live, as Office 365 users via the Datalayer WEB Notebook. This authentication can be used today by the Data Scientists to publish their data analysis in the Microsoft OneNote online service, more easily read and accessible to the Business stakeholders.

Working with Microsoft

"Datalayer's offering is bridging the gap between science and business, and fosters business communication. Utilizing Microsoft Azure, Datalayer is offering their customers the opportunity to better communicate and work with their data-driven strategy", said Nicole Herskowitz, Senior Director of Product Marketing, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Corp.

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